Saturday, September 12, 2009

The ALBUM... a continuing story

This is the continuing story of Ruth & Betty.
I found Ruth's album in an antique store and couldn't leave it there.
I started out thinking I would just keep the album to treasure. Then..
My curiosity got the best of me.
Who are these people?
Are they still alive?
Why is such a lovely, well documented album not at "home"?

This lovely lady above is Betty. Ruth's best buddy ole pal! She's in just about
every picture in the album.
I decided to try to find the owner of this album, thinking since Betty was in so many pictures
that surely she was family. Her last name is written in the album, and Ruth's last initial was the same.
I couldn't find Ruth anywhere. So I started looking for Betty.
... and I found her!

These ladies really know how to have fun! I felt like I was part of this
whole group. Ruth had a lot of pictures and captions under almost all of them!

Isn't that a neat picture, above? One of the few colored photos. Ruth and Betty took a lot of vacations together.

When I wrote to Betty, I only hoped it was her. I sent some pictures of the pictures hoping to prove it was her, or not. And it was! She wrote back! Told me some stories about some of the pictures I had sent. Absolutely delighted to see them!

Ruth's album dated to 1952. There was enough information that I could figure out the town they were from. Lots of landmarks mentioned. It was like solving a mystery! And Betty's name has changed since then. Since Ruth put Betty's whole name in it, I was able to find Betty and offer the album to her.

In the pictures you can see that these girls could have some fun! I am happy to report that Betty is now a YOUNG at heart 78 year old. Still as witty and full of life as in the pictures! Some of the babies in the pictures are now grandmothers and Betty herself has two great grandchildren. It was an absolute j o y to find Betty and talk to her.

The album gets shipped off today!

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