Friday, May 1, 2009

Finally, the end to a great day: FOOD!

These are the backs of the antique stores we were in.

A view going out of town. Yes, OREGON!

My favorite house in Silverton. What's it's story? Can I come live there?

My dinner: teriyaki chicken breast with pineapple salsa, fresh squash veggies and baked red potatoes and a tall glass of iced tea. Looked good enough to eat! So I did! Oh MAN, was it GOOOOOOOOOOOD! (5 stars!)

And, 80 degrees at sunset OVER the river is where we sat to eat this delicious meal! Can life get much better than that?

Silver Grill in Silverton, Oregon

A wonderful, high class restaurant, yet casual enough you can walk in comfortably in jeans.
A surprisingly affordable menu.
And... absolutely delicious food to boot!
Great staff! Great view overlooking the Silver River.
Another must stop!

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