Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Coming to Terms

Well here we are again... another term at school.
I must admit I'm having a hard time focusing on schoolwork because the subject matter
is not too exciting. So much reading, and not much pertains to my life at the moment, so I need
to find a way to find it meaningful and interesting before I flunk out.

I won't flunk out.

I got a 4 point last term!

I talked to a few people who also go to school and they said it's spring fever.

We want to be outside enjoying the sun. In a weird way I'd rather be doing housework... I'm so behind.

So this isn't too motivational or exciting, just me venting.

Life is good, I'll get through it! One page at a time....

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dog Day Afternoon

This is QUILLY.

Today she's test driving the latest and greatest thing to hit pet stores everywhere.

Believe it or not: designer doggy diapers.

Well, not designer.. but designed! I can't believe it! Could hardly pass up the pink polka dots
over the plain white?! I mean, we need our girls to be in fashion ALWAYS, right?

It's either she get these, or....

Well, she's old and going blind and deaf. And now incontinence.

They're the smallest they make, and still too big on this old girl.

We'll see how it goes!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Reminders of Grandma

A hanky in a Delft shoe

Grandma's "other" wedding dish set and her brooch

Britains metal animals

Carved wooden horse

"Darling" figurine by Royal Doulton. Grandma had one just like it.

Reminders of Grandma.

Monday, April 5, 2010


My sister, Kitty.

My best friend!

She doesn't like her picture taken, and least of all in a blog posting, but
I don't care. I think she looks beautiful!!!!

(Noone reads this blog anyway!!!!)

Here is her daughter, Chantel.

Spring tulips!

Evan on the Easter egg hunt.

Grandma Kay's Dutch cookie jar.

...and Grandma's Dutch figurines.

Ricky, the Phillips' carver of all things meat.

The girls...




She gave me a heart shaped rock.

Great Grampa, Emma & Ezra.

Easter at my sister's house.

They always put on a great feast, year round.

I really appreciate all they do to get the family together for feast & fun.

Happy Easter!